Anyone considering the purchase of a GSD should request that the seller provide a written sales contract. The contract should clearly spell out the terms of sale and include a description of the dog. This is true for any transfer of ownership, regardless of the age of the dog and whether there is a selling price. Below is just one example of a sales contract.
WHEREAS, ________________________________________hereinafter called “Seller” is the owner of a (Show, Showable, Pet) _____________________ German Shepherd (Dog, Bitch) ____________ further described as:
Registered Name of Dog:___________________________________________
Litter Registration No.:_________________________ or AKC
Foreign Registration No.:_______________________________________________________
Name & Registration No. of Sire:_____________________________________
Name & Registration No. of Dam:_____________________________________
and WHEREAS, ____________________________________________, hereinafter called “Buyer”, is desirous of purchasing the animal described above.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of______________________________________Dollars, the Seller hereby conveys one (Show, Showable, Pet)____________________ German Shepherd (Dog, Bitch)________ under the following warranties and conditions and no other warranties or conditions either expressed or implied:
1. That the above described animal is a purebred dog, registerable with the
AKC and that a registration application or individual registration has been
given to Buyer as of the date of purchase.
2. That the above described animal may for any reason be returned, prepaid, to
Seller within 24 hours, or as otherwise agreed, in writing, at the time of
receipt. Buyer shall assume full responsibility for the health, anatomical
make-up, appearance and temperament of the above described animal during said 24
hour period. If the condition of the animal has changed in any of the categories
mentioned in the previous sentence, the Seller is relieved of obligation to
return the full amount of the purchase price, otherwise the full purchase price
will be refunded. Any claim of change in the animal by the Seller must be
communicated to the Buyer within 24 hours.
3. Optional-In the event disqualifying faults as listed and defined in the Breed
Standard are found to be present in the above described animal, on or before one
year of age or within 45 days of the date of this agreement, in the case of
animals of more than one year of age at the date of this agreement, the Seller
agrees to (replace, refund)__________ to Buyer _______% of the purchase price of
the animal and the animal shall be (returned to Seller or retained by
4. In order to receive an adjustment under the terms of the Sales Contract,
Buyer must return signed AKC papers to Seller before any adjustment hereunder.
Buyer must make animal available to Seller or designee for appropriate
5. This writing constitutes the full agreement of the parties.
WHEREFORE, the above named Seller and Buyer have executed the foregoing contract of sale at______(am/pm) on this________day of____________________ , 20____ at_____________________, State of_________________.
Buyer, Address & Phone No.:____________________________
Seller, Address & Phone No.:____________________________
Pet: A companion animal purebred and AKC registerable, that is
sold as a pet with no warranty that the dog will be show quality or breeding
Showable: A puppy or adult that goes beyond and above the
definition of a pet dog. This animal must be free of all disqualifying faults.
This dog is in no way guaranteed to win in the show ring unless this is agreed
to in writing in this contract at the time of execution. It is understood that,
with proper care on the part of the Buyer, in due time the dog should be of
acceptable temperament and structure, and should embody the basic standard of
the Breed.
Show: An animal that has all of the qualifications of showable
plus being one that, with proper handling, can and should win in the
conformation ring. If there are any further guarantees, they must be in writing.