Many of the photos where acquired from old picture files from the prior web site and many of the photos had no identification of the
dogs, owners, event, dates, etc. If you have this information and would like it updated to the picture, please contact the webmaster.
2016 Hamburg Show. Sharon Wunder's Lacy shown by Braden Godown.
2015 GSD Club May Specialty shows.
Kindred Crusader of Wunder-Tindrock (KC)
Bred by Sharon Wunder.
Wunder's Man of War, "Tank" at Syracuse Cluster March 2015.
DAE AM CH UKC CH Karizmas The Devil Wears Prada V Beauchien CGC TDI TT TC BN RN HIC HT CHIC Owned by Darcy Rombough. 1-31-15
Wunder's Handsome Hank & Wunder's Hailey Commet Hamburg 2015
Wunder's Handsome Hank Owned by Sharon Wunder & Brandon Godown. Hamburg 2015
DAE BISS AM CH CAN CH UKC CH Beauchiens We Believe in Miracles CGC TDI TT TC RN BN CA CHIC Owned by Darcy Rombough. 3-14-2014
BOF BISS AM CH CAN CH UKC CH Stonewalls Knight Rider V Beauchien CGC TT TC Owned by Darcy Rombough. 2014
This is Darcy at a Canadian show.
Can Ch/UKC Ch Beauchien's Plymouth Rock CGC TDI TT RN OFA H/E Member 13 club
Some lucky pup did good at obedience or rally. Darcy
Can Ch/UKC Ch Beauchien's Plymouth Rock CGC TDI TT RN OFA H/E Member 13 club
Darcy Darcy
Can Ch/UKC Ch Beauchien's Plymouth Rock CGC TDI TT RN OFA H/E Member 13 club
Someone earned their first leg in Rally. Alaska - Owned by Joy
Alaska at the GSD Nationals & Earning her CD title-owned by Joy.
Both owned by Steve & Ann Barbash.
Destry Diva
Depahl's Hoosier Buddy - Owned by Nina McDonald. "Housier" is now a Grand Champion. This is one of his early wins.
Brass 'N Sassy Keepsake CGC,CD,RN ,RA, RE. Owned by Cheryl. "Keeper" has crossed the rainbow bridge.
Leira. Owned by Joy at the time of the photos.
GCH Depahl's Hoosier Daddy Owned by Nina McDonald. Percy. Owned by Nina McDonald Percy has crossed the rainbow bridge