Due to COVID 19, we have had to shut down any socialization activities. We hope that we can resulme them in 2021.
Check out the club calendar for a list of socialization events.
You do not need to be a member to participate.
These events are for anyone who owns a German Shepherd or anyone with a different breed of dog who wants to participate and support our club. Our summer socialization includes an opportunity to do some agility equipment and practice rally. Usually there are hot dogs and different parpicipants will bring a dish to pass. Our winter socialization is indoors and gives the opportunity to socialize even when the weather is nasty outside.
August 2019
December 2018
August 2018
It is everything about puppies!
July 2018
March 2018
August 2017
July 2017
February 2017
Brother and Sister: Rosie and Duke
October 2016
September 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
The dogs enjoy themselves so much, they are tired out. This is Tank.
Owners get to talk to each other, work their dogs, and visitors
are introduced to GSD. In addition, trimming of dog nails
is offered. Although there were none during this evening, we
frequently will have other breeds of dogs participate, which
is also good for the socialization of a Shepherd. They need to
see other breeds that they might normally not see at home.